Why did I Embraced Islam?


I was brought up in the religion of the Church of England, and hardly remember any time when Sunday was not English Sunday, a thing that is-or has become-almost an institution in this country. Also, it was a day when one was being constantly told not to do this thing, and not to do the other. One was severely reprimanded for "being naughty on Sunday," as if it was worse to omitted by other people who were guilty. Not only that, but I had only to look around me at the sins and wrongs going on in the world, to see that it had in no way been saved by the death of an innocent man; and on discussing the matter with people I found that half the people who professed to be Christians did not really believe all they were supposed to, but held to it, because it was so much easier not to change or to bother to think for themselves.
The Sunday afternoons were spent in my being obliged to learn the catechism or a hymn by heart. How much better would it have been had I been told some real and ennobling  truth about my Creator, than to be made to repeat in a parrot-like fashion the rules of a doctrine I did not believe in. I was relieved that at all events I was not confirmed, for that seemed to me to be the culminating point of the whole thing. I hated the words "Body and blood of Christ," even if in the Protestant faith they were only meant allegorically and theoretically, and not as the "real body and blood of Christ" as in the Catholic Church ose who WL:rL: supposed to be in a position to interpret it-clergymen, f()r instance failed entirely when I questioned them concerning it. What, therefore, could be the use of a book that was so wrapped up in fable and fancy that no one could explain it? The Bible is the result of a collaboration of dozens of di I'lercnt authors. Science and geology prove that the Beginning, as described in Genesis, is an .utter impossibility. We have also proof that King David never wrote the Psalms, and that various other parts of the Bible attributed to different people were not written by them. Thus then, since so many people have had the task of inventing the Bible, who is to be believed? The Holy Book of Islam-the Qur'an-on the  contrary, has come to us through only one man, namely, the holy Prophet Muhammad. It has never been altered, twisted, paraphrased and transcribed as the Bible, but has remained true to its original copy. The Qur'an appealed to me.
 The doctrine of Islam appealed to me. These, then, are some of the reasons why I have embraced Islam, a religion that is comforting, uplifting, and sustaining, and why I have discarded one that has never, from the first word I learnt of it, ever inspired, encouraged, or uplifted me at all.

Ameena Annie Spieget
English Lady


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